Saghi Hajisharif
PhD Visual Machine Learning, CTO and co-founder. Saghi brings years of machine learning skills to the research our tools build upon, to make sure the fairness metrics and debiasing algorithms are working for your data.
Some of Saghi's research:
Saghi Hajisharif - Linköping University (
Ericka Johnson
Professor Gender and Society, CSO and co-founder. Ericka brings theoretical and social science research on data in the world to address the intersectional aspects of synthetic data.
Some of Ericka's research:
Ericka Johnson - Linköping University (
Helene Ström
CEO and co-founder. We know that you are making synthetic data to give you a commercial advantage. Helene brings to our work a background in business which customizes our tools to make research relevant.
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